It ALL starts here
Curtis Layer Design/Build, Inc., can offer complete turnkey land and building packages or build to suit packages on your lot. By using the design/build approach to construction, the Curtis Layer team is committed to meeting every need from concept through completion.
The design/build process combines design, estimating, scheduling, contract management, and construction into one single source package. This enables effective, responsive communication with no cost surprises.
Major benefits to using the design/build process are:

Controlled Costs
By having the design team and contractor working together, construction budgets are developed concurrently with design.
This helps establish the most cost-effective plan for construction. Team members are informed sooner regarding design issues that affect both cost and schedule.

Faster Project Completion
Communication between the design and construction personnel is facilitated, resulting in an overall reduced project schedule.
The design/build process allows ordering of materials and in some cases actual construction to begin while the project is still in the final design stage. The entire project can be completed sooner, reducing administrative expense and construction loan fees.

Reduced Risk
By having one firm responsible for the design and construction the owner does not have to mediate disagreements between the designer and constructor over responsibility for specific aspects of the project.
This reduces the risk of cost overruns and missed completion dates with a single source being responsible for the successful completion of the project.

Improved Quality and Value
The design/build approach teams all aspects of the construction process in one collective group.
This team of architects, engineers, and builders working together reduces uncertainty and costs, and increases quality and innovation.